- dir src
- file src/Debug.h
This file defines a debug macro for sotoc. - file src/DeclResolver.cpp
This file implements the class DeclResolver. - file src/DeclResolver.h
This file implements the class DeclResolver which is used to record and order types and functions in the input code that are required by the target regions. - file src/OmpPragma.cpp
This file implements the class OmpPragma, which is used to generate repla- cement pragmas for teams and team combined constructs. - file src/OmpPragma.h
- file src/TargetCode.cpp
This file implements the class TargetCode, which can be used to add code fragments and to generate new code (i.e., for outlining OpenMP target region) from these fragments. - file src/TargetCode.h
- file src/TargetCodeFragment.cpp
This file implements the classes TargetCodeDecl and TargetCodeRegion. - file src/TargetCodeFragment.h
- file src/TargetRegionVariable.cpp
This file implements the class TargetRegionVariable. - file src/TargetRegionVariable.h
- file src/Visitors.cpp
This file implements the classes DiscoverTypesInDeclVisitor and FindTargetCodeVisitor. - file src/Visitors.h
- file src/main.cpp
This file implements sotoc, a clang to to enable outlining of OpenMP target region, which can be used by different compiler.
- file src/Debug.h
Last update: 2021-11-24